About Us


Sacred Heart Degree College For Women was established on 15th June, 2005. It is a Catholic minority institution of higher education for women and is affiliated to Bangalore University. It is under the management of the Society of Sisters of St.Anne-Madras, a Cahtolic Religious Congregation founded by Servant of God, Thatipathri Gnanamma in Kilacheri, 40 km away from Chennai, Tamilnadu in 1874.

The Vision of the College is “to provide humanizing and liberalizing education so as to form responsible citizens who in solidarity with others will create a just society”. To actualize this vision the College provides the right ambience for learning-centered experiences and encourages the staff and students to experiment with new practices and to evaluate the impact on their personal and social development. It provides opportunities for holistic higher education to young women to face the challenges of society confidently. In short, we aim at building the character and career of our students through integrated personality development.

Education, in the present context, should enable the learners to fulfill their responsibilities towards their family, society and nation. It should empower them to make the world a better place to live in. Sacred Heart Degree College For Women aims at promoting such education to its students.

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