About Placement Cell
The Placement cell in the college was set up in the year 2008. then Ms Maroshini P Placement Officer, was heading the cell and later Ms Padmavathi K was appointed as Placement officer from 2012 till date.
Placement cell took an initiative in knowing the current need of young graduates, and makes sure in indentifying the most suitable employment opportunities to the UG students. cell grooms the students to face the corporate sector in equipping the needed skills to face the interviews at the time of recruitment , conducts training thru Companies as a part of CSR Activity.
In addition to this, the cell also takes care of Personality development and corporate foundation of assisting, supporting and guiding in career opportunities, to the UG students in their higher studies From 2021-2022 onwards cell takes into PG Students for the placement activity and give assistance in campus Recruitment ,both On & Off Campus by identifying the potentials. Needy and deserving candidates are taken as priority during the drives.
Placements happen when students are in 5th and 6th semester. The cell is functions both On Campus & Off Campus Drives by linking with the other Institution Placement Cell , Consultants and direct Companies