

”  The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. “ – Lao Tzu

Any journey or task, however long, begins with one discrete action. No matter how big the task or how challenging the goal, you get there by just beginning. Without the first step, the journey will never happen. Somebody who dreams big even if the dream seems unattainable, by taking that first small step, will move towards making that dream come true. In fact, the whole journey is made up of small steps.

In 1863 when education was unimaginable for girls Our Foundress ‘Servant of God’ Mother Thatipathri Gnanamma dreamt of an impossible dream of educating girl children. Her commitment, passion and perseverance made her taking the first step of starting a school exclusively for girls.

Her journey that began in the 19th century was continued in the 20th and now firmly established in the new millennium by the Sisters of St.Anne-Madras. Her vision of uplifting the life of the less privileged girls in the Society through education becomes a reality through Sacred Heart Degree College for Women as it caters to the needs of the poor and marginalized in this locality.

This College, with adequate infrastructure, integrated curriculum and dedicated staff, provides a tremendous contextual learning environment for the current and future students. May each and every student who passes through the portals of this esteemed institution experience a holistic higher education and be prepared to face the challenges of the society confidently. May the Spirit of Our Foundress Mother Gnanamma motivate us to actualize the Vision of our College i.e. to create a just society.

Rev.Sr. Dr.Arokia Pushpa, SSAM

Secretary & Administrator

Sacred Heart Degree College for Women